Renew the Table

My desire is to see the renewal of the Table in gathered worship and my hope is that these thoughts and opinions will contribute in some way to cause believers to think deeper and truer about the Supper, with the further hope that such thinking leads to theologies and practices that will all the more edify the Church and glorify God.

Below are the links to the articles in the Renew the Table series. They are listed in chronological order and while they build upon each other to some degree, they can be read in any order.

- Goals and Disclaimers

- A Frequent Fallacy

- Some Supper Stats

- A Symptom of a Deeper Problem

- The Root and Fruit of Memorialism

- Christ is Present in the Supper

- Does Frequent Observance Devalue the Supper?

- A Pause and the Pragmatic Filter

- Foundations of Unfermented Worship

- Is Grape Juice Good Enough?

- A Hill to Die On?

- Hijacking 'The Fruit of the Vine'

- The Pastor and The Partaker

- The Table

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